
  1. Measuring expression heterogeneity of single-cell cytoskeletal protein complexes

J. Vlassakis*, L. Hansen*, R. Higuchi-Sanabria, Y. Zhou, C.K. Tsui, A. Dillin, H. Huang, and A.E. Herr. (2021) Nature Commun. 12, 4969.
(*contributed equally to this study)

  1. Summit: automated analysis of arrayed single-cell gel electrophoresis

J. Vlassakis, K.A. Yamauchi, and A.E. Herr, (Accepted at SLAS Technology)

  1. Microparticle delivery of protein markers for single-cell western blotting from microwells

J.J. Kim*, P. Chan*, J. Vlassakis, A. Geldert, and A.E. Herr. (2018) Small 14, 1802865.

  1. Joule heating-induced dispersion in open microfluidic electrophoretic cytometry

J. Vlassakis and A.E. Herr. (2017) Anal. Chem. 89, 12787-12796.

  1. Profiling protein expression in circulating tumour cells using microfluidic western blotting

E. Sinkala, E. Sollier-Christen, C. Renier, E. Rosas-Canyelles, J. Che, K. Heirich, T.A. Duncombe, J. Vlassakis, K.A. Yamauchi, H. Huang, S. S. Jeffrey, and A.E. Herr. (2017) Nat. Comm. 8, 14622.

  1. Single-cell resolution western blotting

C. Kang, K. A. Yamauchi*, J. Vlassakis*, E. Sinkala, T.A. Duncombe and A. E. Herr. (2016) Nat. Prot. 11, 1508-1530 . (*contributed equally to this study)

  1. Effect of polymer hydration state on in-gel immunoassays

J. Vlassakis and A.E. Herr. (2015) Anal. Chem. 87, 11030-11038.

  1. The differential extension in dsDNA bound to Rad51 filaments may play important roles in homology recognition and strand exchange

C. Danilowicz*, A. Peacock-Villada*, J. Vlassakis*, A. Facon, E. Feinstein, N. Kleckner and M. Prentiss. (2014) Nucl. Acids Res. 42, 526-533. (*contributed equally to this study)

  1. Tension on dsDNA bound to ssDNA-RecA filaments may play an important role in driving efficient and accurate homology recognition and strand exchange

J. Vlassakis,  E. Feinstein, D. Ying, A. Tilloy, D. Weiller, J. Kates-Harbeck,V. Coljee and M. Prentiss. (2013) Phys. Rev. E, 87, 032702.

  1. RecA Homology Search is Promoted by Mechanical Stress Along the Scanned Duplex DNA

C. Danilowicz, E. Feinstein, A. Conover, V.W. Coljee, J. Vlassakis, Y. Chan, D.K. Bishop, and M. Prentiss. (2011) Nucl. Acids Res. 40, 1717-1727.

  1. Probing the Mechanical Stability of DNA in the Presence of Monovalent Cations

J. Vlassakis, J. Williams, K. Hatch, C. Danilowicz, V.W. Coljee, and M. Prentiss.  (2008) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 5004-5005.